Stiltwalking Bubble Show

A fantastic time popping giant bubbles!

Brave intergalactic guardians will delight the little ones with a sci-fi soap bubble barrage!

The Ladybug Space Force

As seen in children’s festivals, fantasy fairs, cosplay parties, birthdays, and more!

THE LADYBUG SPACE FORCE are a pair of Anime-inspired science fiction characters, cool & disciplined protectors of children and adults alike. They bring the fun with a bubble show on stilts that is just a tall order of good clean fun!

Their polkadot metallic spacesuits dazzle in the sunlight as they deliver a giggle-inducing load of giant soap bubbles! Their ladybug wings flap open and closed in mechanical fashion. Their faces are a mystery behind their shiny helmet visors, but you can tell they’re cool and tough under any circumstance. Once their mission is complete they will fly back to Ladybug Starbase, where they’ll join the rest of the Nature Guard Space Armada. Fun for children and sci-fi geeks of all ages!

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